Saturday, July 17, 2010

Making a list....

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~C.S. Lewis

I forgot how much I love making lists. I used to make lists of everything: grocery list, back-to-school shopping list, what to pack for a trip, what to wear to a wedding, birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, books to read, movies to watch, classes to take, people to call...if I list all the things that I've listed, the list would be endless! 

But one list I haven't made before (at least not properly) is a list of all my goals. So today I started. I sat down and just started writing out everything that I want to have at some point in my life. Not just the big ones like buy a house, but all of the small things that I want to do and haven't found the time to do yet. Things like finish reading Moby Dick - inspired by my sister's own list, I've decided to try and get past page 3.

It's actually quite fun to sit and list out everything that I want in my life. And in fact just creating this list is bringing the very things I want closer (basic quantum physics - if you put it out into the universe you will see it come to be in your life). And, of course, putting things in a list in writing helps me organize my thoughts. So I can focus on making the decisions and getting things done...once things are in a list all that's left to do is pick one and get to work.

“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~Jimmy Dean

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